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Studietijd, een nieuwe fase in mijn leven (Part 4)

Our Reader Score [Total: 0   Average: 0/5]Met een flesje begon ze, langzaam en voorzichtig een stinkend goedjeover mijn haar te verdelen. Terwijl ze er met een tissue voor zorgdedat het goedje niet in mijn ogen kwam. Samen met een enorme zenuwtrektrok ik een spontaan vies gezicht.De meiden...
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Studietijd, een nieuwe fase in mijn leven…

Our Reader Score [Total: 1   Average: 3/5]Het was aan het begin van mijn studietijd. Ik had de zomervakantie gebruikt om mijn kamer in te richten en was klaar voor mijn studie. Alleen in een vreemde stad, Ik kende nog niemand maar dat zou snel veranderen.1 week voor...
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Girls Haircut

Our Reader Score [Total: 18   Average: 2.5/5]I rent a room in a flat above a hairdressing salon. my flatmate is the salon manager. chatting with her one night she was surprised i was into girls haircuts. i told her how lucky she was to be able to...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 6   Average: 3.2/5]I was in a part of town that I hadn’t been to for sometime, must have been 10 plus years.  Where there used to be pubs and chip shops you now found bistros and coffee shops.  New offices had been built...
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Is That Short Enough

Our Reader Score [Total: 19   Average: 2.8/5]COULD YOU GET IT A LOT SHORTER PLEASE!!! There he had said it john hardly believed he was uttering those words Since he was a boy  he had hated those dreaded  short haircuts from MAXIES MAXI  was a no nonsense  barber...
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The Cost of Karen

Our Reader Score [Total: 3   Average: 2.3/5]Karen was my first love at school. We were in the same class and lived in the same street. I walked home with her everyday and we shared that first kiss together as teenagers. During the last year of secondary school...
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The New Salon (Part 1)

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 2.6/5]It must have been about two years ago now. On a rainy morning, I saw a new Hair-salon, just about 500 meters from my home. A brand new, modern salon and best of all with a large window. From that moment on, I started...
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Tease (Part 2)

Our Reader Score [Total: 22   Average: 2.3/5] I opened the flat door and he was standing there with a bottle of wine. No hard feelings he said, I know you dont want all your hair clippered off so lets have a drink and forget about it. I...
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Tease Punished

Our Reader Score [Total: 18   Average: 2.6/5]It was a saturday nite and i went to a party with my girlfriend at the flat above where i lived. it was a very cool party, lots of dancing and drinking. I danced with my girlfriend, Jane the girl who...
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