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Jacky worked as an apprentice at another of Dorothy’s salons quite near to where Leslie and Vicky worked. This particular week two of the girls in the salon were off sick so Leslie and Vicky were asked to go and work in the shop for a week or two until the other two girls came back to health. Jacky had her hair to 12 inches past her shoulders and it was very thick, poker straight and jet black. Her father was of Italian birth and it certainly showed in Jacky, she was very full of herself and rather boisterous.

Leslie and Vicky arrived at the salon early that morning so as to check out the appointment book for the week. After a quick look the two stylists arrived along with Jacky. On seeing Jacky’s beautiful hair they realized they had a mission. They introduced themselves and soon got started with the day’s work. It transpired that it was Jacky’s birthday today and as per usual she was very full of herself. Leslie told her that she would be working under her today and soon got her shampooing and cleaning. Morning came and went and at lunchtime the shop was closed and the girls went down to the local for a few drinks to help Jacky celebrate her birthday. An hour later the five of them returned, but unfortunately Jacky was a little too far gone for work that afternoon. Leslie took full advantage and quickly ushered her to an empty station.

"There you go. You just sit here and relax: you’ve got the whole afternoon off." Leslie gently caressed her thick hair. "My, your hair is so thick and long I reckon you could use a trim."

Leslie picked up the comb and started to brush the dead straight hair through. The comb glided with ease right to the ends. Jacky loved her hair being touched, she knew it was beautiful and gloated in it, knowing that a lot of women would die for hair like hers. She let out a few moans of joy while her hair was being caressed: it felt good.

"What do you think, Jacky shall I give it a trim for you? After all, it is your birthday and we want you to look your best don’t we?"

"Well maybe just the ends," she slurred.

"What about a nice bob? Have you ever had a bob? I really think it would suit you." Leslie gently lifted her hair up to her shoulders.

Jacky looked at herself in the mirror wondering why she was seated in a styling chair.

"Well maybe, although I never had my hair cut that short before. What do you think?"

"Well now you’ve asked I must say I think it would suit you. I wouldn’t cut it too short, just so it’s touching your shoulders, how would that be?" Leslie continued to comb the young girl’s hair through. "I think it would make you look more grown up, more sophisticated?"


Leslie couldn’t believe her ears, and stared open mouthed into the mirror.

"Right then let’s get on shall we?"

"Yes, cut it into a bob for me Leslie." Jacky signaled to the shoulders with a cutting motion with her fingers.

Leslie smiled at her and quickly began to section the hair. The first section at the back slid down to the floor and was soon followed by more. Leslie didn’t take a lot of care, knowing that the final result would be a lot shorter than a shoulder-length bob. As she hacked the sides away the cape soon filled with wondrous amounts of hair. Jacky had never worn a fringe before but Leslie told her that she would look a lot better with one and so it was cut. A very long fringe touching her eyebrows, the cut hair slipped down Jacky’s face and on down to the cape. Leslie stared at the new shape in the mirror as she combed it through.

"Perhaps it would suit you better as a chin length bob? Yes, I think that would be good, don’t you Jacky?" Jacky just nodded so Leslie took this as a yes, as you would.

Now Leslie picked up the clippers, took off the attachment and very carefully plunged them into the hair at the nape so as to get a nice guideline to work from. She took the line up to around the ear level and strongly recommended that an inverted back would really look nice. Jacky agreed, it would be rather nice. Slowly the nape hair disappeared, from its former glory a shadow appeared. Now with the no. 2 guard fitted to the clippers Leslie clipped the entire back of the head to an eighth of an inch. Placing Jacky’s hand on the nape of her own neck Leslie asked her what she thought of it. Jacky rubbed her hand up through her hair.

"It feels so cool "

"Why don’t you let me cut your hair all over like this?" Leslie asked her. "I think it would look really nice, don’t you?"

Leslie caressed Jacky’s nape again. It sent shivers through Jacky’s body.

"Yes do it, but no shorter."

Leslie nodded and placed the clippers at Jacky’s forehead. Leslie smiled at Jacky in the mirror and slowly pulled the clippers back through her lustrous hair, which within seconds fell to the floor. After several passes the bulk of the hair on top had been removed to a mere 1/8 inch all over. Jacky ran her hands over the top of her head, it felt good, really good. Leslie continued the haircut, removing the sides and then all the stray ends. The clippers returned to the back and top just to satisfy their thirst. The ever-growing pile of hair in Jacky’s lap slipped quietly to the floor to join the rest of the thick carpet. The cut was complete and Leslie brushed all of the remaining hair to the floor. Leslie helped Jacky from the chair and lea her to the empty back room. Jacky followed obediently, her hand clasped tight to Leslie’s. Once in the room and the door shut behind them, Leslie caressed the new haircut and she gently fondled Jacky’s firm breasts.

"You are a real beauty." Her lips met Jacky’s and they explored each other. 

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