The New Relief Driver
I was sitting getting something to eat at Somewhere ,USA. She came up to me and asked if I could give her a ride to Someplace, USA.. She was a young lady with breast length reddish blonde hair. She was an average looker. She was desperate to get to Someplace, USA. Her name was Amanda.
I explained to her that I was going to Someplace but the company forbid giving hitchhikers rides. They had spies on the road and brown noser drivers that would turn me in real quick for browny points. Too bad she wasn’t a man as then I could say she was my relief driver and get away with it. I did enjoy her company and maybe we could work something out if she was willing to go along.
I pitched the idea to her and said we would have to make her look more manly and then I could give her a ride to Someplace. This would take a while so I called my boss and told him I had mechanical problem and would be delayed on my way to Someplace.
To the Mall me and Amanda went shopping. J.C. Penneys had everything we needed. We went to the dressing rooms and she tried on several outfits. Finally we hit on the perfect combination. Amanda removed her makeup and Jewelry and looked passable except for one thing. The one thing was her hair and I told her it would have to be cut short for the deception to work. Hair tucked up under a hat didn’t fool the spies.
Now J.C. Penney’s just happens to have a hair salon. I found a stylist and waving a big tip I told her what I wanted done. Amanda said it was agreeable to her as she was desperate to get to Someplace, USA and was in a hurry.
Amanda sat in the chair and the cape was placed around her neck. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail at the back of her head and with the snip, snip, snip of sharp scissors the ponytail was removed. Then the clippers were turned on and up the back of her head they went chewing and spewing reddish hair. Masses of hair tumbled off as they went over the ears and up the sides of her face.
The stylist finished it off by going scissors over fingers across the sides and top of her head. There were a few tears in Amanda’s eyes but she really looked like a man now. I was certain she would fool the spies and nosey coworkers along the route.
We took off and headed toward Someplace, USA and I dropped Amanda off. We got along real fine. I still go through Someplace, USA from time to time and always stop off to see Amanda. Her hair has grown back out and she looks real hot and could never be mistaken for a man.
Still, I told her after the trip that when I got back I got asked many a time as to who my New Relief driver was that day. I tell them a fake story and smile. I have a reddish ponytail hanging from my mirror as a reminder of the day.
Hope your journeys are good ones.