the Bad Dye Job (Part 2)
Just a quick reminder of the story so far: Christine Parkinson was depressed at college because she was being teased constantly about her shoulderlength hair because it was a ginger colour. On the way home she bought a blonde hair dye, hoping to dye her hair blonde, but because she didn’t read the small print on the bottom of the dye box warning her not to dye red hair without a professional, it dyed it green instead.
Then Jenny, her best friend from college who had blonde waist length hair, came to the house and offered to cut it in order to fix it up. Jenny had to leave Christine’s hair at most an inch in length, so you wouldn’t notice it as much (the green in it), then after Jenny had done this, Christine, since she had always been jealous of Jenny’s waist length hair, saw her chance to cut her friends long hair off and asked Jenny if she could cut it. Here’s what happened……..
“WHAT??!!” Jenny exclaimed, shocked at the idea!
“Oh Jenny, trust me, I’ll only take an inch off at the most, you won’t even notice it probably!” Christine said, this of course was a lie, but Jenny, believing Christine to be her friend, didn’t know this.
“Oh, OK then, I trust you”, Jenny replied trustingly.
“Great! You just sit down there and you’ll look great, I promise!” Christine said. Jenny then sat down, nervously. Christine brushed through Jenny’s thick waist length blonde hair, Jenny thought it felt so nice, and closed her eyes, unknowing that Christine was planning on not just taking inches off her friends hair, but FEET! Jenny almost fell asleep, with the gentle feeling of the brush through her thick hair! Then she suddenly came back to reality again, when she heard the loud crunch of the scissors through her thick hair
“Snip Snip”, she heard the scissors go, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, because the cut off hair that Christine laid out in front of Jenny was exactly an inch long. She finally completely relaxed and fell asleep, trusting Christine immensely.
Seeing her friend asleep, Christine then took her chance by cutting off about six inches from the bottom this time
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”, six inches of hair fell to the floor. Christine went all around her friends hair, taking six inches off at a time
This part done, Christine then proceeded to go around Jenny’s hair again, this time taking it to mid back length, cutting off another four inches
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
After clearing this far, Christine decided to go (almost) the whole way now, so taking a HUGE risk (as Jenny was asleep after all), Christine then took the mid back length hair to Jenny’s shoulders-the same length Christine’s hair had been before she’d dyed it! About 7-8 inches of blonde hair was falling this time to the ground
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip Snip”, by this time, the floor was literally COVERED with blonde hair! After cutting the hair to shoulderlength, Christine decided that it still had to be shorter than this, so taking the scissors up again, Christine cut Jenny’s blonde hair again, this time leaving it to her ears! About 5 more inches had to come off to leave it at that length, so accordingly, 5 inches fell to the floor this time
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“Snip Snip Snip Snip”
“My word!” thought Christine, “she’ll get a shock when she wakes up! Now for the final step!”
Christine then took the clippers out of her kit, then, without a guard and turned them on, a low click and a hum was heard; Christine then ploughed them through the centre of Jenny’s once waist length hair. Christine evilly ran the clippers all the way around Jenny’s head, leaving nothing but the tiniest bit of stubble! By the time Christine had finished, the whole floor was LITTERED in long and short blonde hair! Satisfied with her work, Christine put all of Jenny’s hair into a bag and then waited for Jenny to wake up. Altogether Jenny had lost around 3 feet of shining blonde hair. Christine now knew that not many people would find Jenny attractive or pay attention to Jenny’s hair anymore!
“Hah! I’m sooooo not jealous of her now!” Christine sniggered to herself as Jenny began to wake up from her sleep.
“Oh hi Christine, sorry I dozed off, how does my hair look after you cutting an inch off it? Any better?” Jenny asked, unsuspectingly.
“Oh yes Jenny, it looks great, just wait till you see yourself!” Christine said in a false friendly tone. Jenny thought this odd, but said nothing, but suddenly she felt cold on her head, as she felt this, Christine got the hand mirror and showed Jenny her stubbly head.
“Here let’s see what YOU think shall we?” Christine said cruelly, Jenny took one look in the mirror and realized that she had been tricked!
“Oh you bitch! What did I do to deserve this?” Jenny screamed at her, jumping out of the seat as she did so.
“Well, I think that it looks better, after all, you did nothing with your hair anyways, and it was either always down or always in a ponytail, so why have any at all?!” Christine said, and then laughed hysterically.
Well Jenny burst into tears and then ran out of the house back home; she vowed never to talk to Christine again-ever! She moved colleges, and bought a wig until her hair grew back again. When it eventually did grow back though (it was just as long, thick and beautiful as before) she wore it up in lots of ways, and it was NEVER short again! It only took 2 and a half years to grow it again to waist length.
“Well if there’s one thing I’ve learned from Christine, it’s to wear my hair up nice all the time” Jenny thought as she kissed her boyfriend one night.