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Danielle took her time. She thoroughly shampooed my hair. Her fingers touched every angel of my head. She pressed with her fingers, made little circles all until my head was covered with a thick layer of foam. Then she slowly rinsed with water while her other hand slowly moved true my hair. I felt the foam slide down my head into the wash basin with a gargling sound.

The next moment she started to apply a conditioner which she again massaged very slowly. The sensation of the cold conditioner with the warm, soft hands of Danielle was intoxicating. One moment she touched my neck, the next moment she was massaging my forehead. I simply couldn’t think. I just lay there. Surrendered and surrounded by women.

“I have to leave this conditioner in for a while now. I think I should touch up your eyebrows a little. These lovely curls with Santa Claus’s eyebrows just doesn’t suit you”

Before I Knew, I felt how one of the women took My head and another my legs. As my hands where tied to the chair I was totally helpless. I saw Danielle take a pair of tweezers.

“Now this may heart a little, but you will look much more cute afterwards”

The next moment, I felt a sharp pain on my left eye, like a sting.

“Auwch” I said.

“Ah he can’t handle it” said the first women.

“And it’s only his first”

Danielle kept pulling browhairs with the tweezers and strange enough, I liked the sensation. It hearted, but The Idea that a group of women made me look beautiful turned me on. I couldn’t see what Danielle did with my eyebrows, I only felled that she had pulled out a lot of hair.

After I while, I felled that Danielle applied some called glue like liquid just above My nose. I had my eyes closed, so I didn’t see what she did. The next moment, it was like my skin was ripped of. It burned!!

“Auwch, What was that….”

“Oh, just some wax to remove the hairs between your Eyebrows…. Didn’t you like it? I could give you a Brazilian wax if you want. Shall I ask the women if they want to strip your pants?”

“No please….”

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“Please, …….”

“Please what???”

“Not my pants…..”

“Aaaaah, afraid????”

“Just a shame. You look so cute now.”

The women released me and untied my arms. To women took my arms and together the escorted me to a chair.

When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself, no, I saw a very ladylike man. Cute little curls and small eyebrows that formed a perfect arch. Was that me????

“Cute isn’t it”

“Yes, unfortunately there are some Grey hairs here”

I couldn’t see them, but the women all agreed, they saw Grey hairs.

“Shall we give him a nice color on top of the curls?”

“Yes that sounds like a good idea”

The women took a huge read cape and draped it on top of the two other capes. They then took a piece of rope and started to tie me to the chair. In a moment, my arms, my legs and my chest where tied to the chair. Then Danielle took the dryer and started to blowdry my hair.

“You see, your hair must be dry when I want to apply color, I think I have a wonderful Idea but I must discuss it with the other women.”

Danielle took some colorbooks and joined the other women. I couldn’t see the color they choose but I could here them whisper to each other.

“Lets take the six..”

“No I think the seven is better”

“I could mix them”

“…… some highlights”

“Maybe lowlights?”


There I sat. Curly hair, depilated eyebrows. Waiting for the next step. What would follow….

Did the women know that to me it ought to go on forever. The sensation to sit and wait. Sit and wait helpless what would happen. What would follow. Only a color? One color? More colors? What color?

(To be continued)

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