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Our Reader Score [Total: 62   Average: 2.3/5]Title: Mistake Author: LTAH Anon Location: salon Catagory: fiction Rating: PG   Of course it’s always better to read these things when you have an idea about the characters in play. So let’s get to know Paige, yeah? She is 5...
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Salon Robotique

Our Reader Score [Total: 85   Average: 2.8/5]SALON ROBOTIQUE The Private Hairdresser Location: Salon Category: Surprise Story type: Fantasy Rating: R   Anne was a very attractive girl in her late twenties. She had shoulder length chestnut brown wavy hair.  She had a Barbie Doll type of figure...
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Ananda’s Hairdresser Fantasy

Our Reader Score [Total: 89   Average: 2.6/5]AMANDA’S HAIRDRESSER FANTASY The Private Hairdresser Location: Salon Story type   Sexual Fantasy, Fiction Rating:R   Heather is a very attractive blonde in her late twenties. Her hair is light ash blonde, and she has it highlighted periodically.  It is the full...
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Jessica and Madie’s trip to the salon

Our Reader Score [Total: 69   Average: 2.6/5] It was a hot summer day and I walked out of my apartment into the blazing Florida heat. I was having to deal with the humidity messing up my long hair. After I walked down the street for a little...
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Dealing with Dan’s Mane: The Appointment

Our Reader Score [Total: 46   Average: 2.7/5]Shannon was brushing his hair. As she brushed she noticed all of the split ends on Dan’s waist length brown hair. “I’m going to make an appointment for you to get a trim”. “Can’t you just cut it?”, Dan asked. “Come...
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Kath’s Transformation

Our Reader Score [Total: 83   Average: 2.3/5]This story is a work of fiction based on a factual experience After a few years of discussion and several months of searching the Internet and a small fortune spent on hairstyle magazines, the day had finally arrived. As my wife...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 3/5]Het was al eeuwen geleden dat ik La Grande Maison had bezocht. Het klinkt misschien gek, maar in tijden van crisis of van hartzeer biedt betaalde liefde soms troost. Je weet dat je bedrogen wordt. Want alle aandacht is gespeeld. Niets...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 69   Average: 2.5/5]A number of years ago I took over a unisex hairsalon/barbershop -in fact the only one- in a small town in Texas near to the border with Mexico. Being the only hairdresser in this town I trained apprentices to help me,...
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This Was My Transformation

Our Reader Score [Total: 65   Average: 3/5]This is kiranjot . I am a 23 year old girl from a village near Patiala city. I work as a hairstylist now as i cut my own hair 5 years back first time and then started doing this job. At...
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Phone a Friend

Our Reader Score [Total: 114   Average: 3.7/5]Andy waited until Trish left for the mall before flicking to the familiar profile on his laptop. He’d looked at that picture so many times that it shouldn’t really be necessary to have it in front of him anymore, but in...
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