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Bet cost fun

Our Reader Score [Total: 90   Average: 2.3/5]Me and my wife settle in Europe….We both are hair fetish.so,that we cut our hair each other .This my revenge buzzcut. She had her hair up buttocks and wavy and she coloured it in blue.Before 18 month.She put a bet in...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 109   Average: 2.3/5] This story was real……..Two hostelgirls in the age of 20.One girl name is Ridhi another girl name is siya. They two share the room.Ridhi was wavy and untill her buttlocks.siya hair up her midback length and curls. THE both girls...
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Hair raising football rivalry

Our Reader Score [Total: 38   Average: 1.7/5]– from elitepreps.com “Top 10 Strangest High School Rivalries” … Coming in at number 3 on our list is the rivalry between the Harpersville Broncos and the Cedar Hill Indians of North Dakota. The story goes that in 1937 a group...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 26   Average: 3/5]Het was al eeuwen geleden dat ik La Grande Maison had bezocht. Het klinkt misschien gek, maar in tijden van crisis of van hartzeer biedt betaalde liefde soms troost. Je weet dat je bedrogen wordt. Want alle aandacht is gespeeld. Niets...
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Betting the Wrong Way

Our Reader Score [Total: 139   Average: 3.5/5]Back when I was at school, I had a bit of a crush on this girl. Her name was Alison and man did I have a thing for her. She used to hang around with me and a group of my...
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The Beauty Treatment

Our Reader Score [Total: 79   Average: 3.1/5]Jujou was late. Traffic had been heavy and she had gotten a late start anyway. Emily was NOT going to be happy. It was bad enough she had lost the bet without pissing off her old rival as well. The bet,...
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The Deadline

Our Reader Score [Total: 34   Average: 3.4/5]It was Susan’s hair that first caught my attention as she filed out of the crowded lecture hall.  Amid a jostling throng of students at the close of my initial American Literature class, she stood out like a lighthouse beacon on...
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Sisterhood of Hair (Part 4)

Our Reader Score [Total: 9   Average: 3.4/5]Mary’s beautiful strawberry blonde hair shined with a life of its’ own as Jenny ran a brush through her healthy, soft, fluffy mane, her feathery layers bouncing playfully and stacking back into place as the brush swept through them without a...
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Sisterhood of Hair (Part 5)

Our Reader Score [Total: 12   Average: 2.5/5]9 months and 11 days ago my three best friends and I had risked our amazing long manes for the chance to fall in love with our hair all over again. The gamble had been worth it, but one by one my dearest friends were...
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Sisterhood of Hair (Part 3)

Our Reader Score [Total: 11   Average: 3.6/5]Less than twenty minutes after transforming Jenny’s head from an amazing mane of silky soft tresses we were gathered in Jenny’s backyard, a blazing, three foot tall fire now set in her portable bonfire pit. We stood around it as the...
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