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It began as a perfectly innocent trip to the Carousel Mall. Since Layna didn’t have a car, she was happy to join me on a day trip to Syracuse for a little shopping and some time away from campus. She was a good friend of mine, but we were just friends. I had told her months ago about my little haircut fetish. She was amused, and had even said that she’d let me cut her long hair one day, but that was about it.

After an hour or so of wandering about and wasting our money, we walked by one of the mall salons. She basically caught me staring at the hottie barberette in the front of the shop. I couldn’t help it, I’ve always had a thing for girls with long blonde hair. And of course, nothing turns me on like a hot blonde with clippers. Layna, of course, took the opportunity to tease me. “Wouldn’t you like to watch her snip me good?” I made some sort of silly comment about her hair on the floor. She smiled.   

With that, Layna took the initiative. Leaving me standing outside the shop, she walked right in, confident as ever, and had a short conversation with the receptionist. When she returned, she announced it was time for lunch. 

Over Chinese food, she informed me that she had made an appointment for herself, and that I would get to watch her haircut. Despite the fact that she knew full and well what I like in terms of haircuts, she proceeded to quiz me about my haircut preferences and more or less do her best to ensure my cock was as hard as can be under the food-court table.  Her mischievous grin told me I was in for a treat. I had no idea just how big of a treat. 

An hour or so later, we reported for her appointment. I made sure to pick a seat in the waiting area with a direct view. When the barberette with the long blonde mane called her name, Layna calmly walked over to her station. They talked for what seemed like forever. Both smiled, laughed repeatedly, and looked over at me. The blonde, whose name was Allie, pointed at me and gestured me over. Sheepishly, I made my way to her chair. “You’ll want a better seat for this” she said, and indicated that I should sit in the chair of the vacant station next to hers.   

I took my seat, excited for the show, wondering acutely what Layna had told Allie. Before a single strand of Layna’s thick, blonde, bra-strap length tresses hit the floor, my cock was hard enough to leave a wet spot on the outside of my shorts. Allie seemed to be enjoying running her fingers through Layna’s thick long hair as they discussed the possibilities. None of us will ever know which of us enjoyed Allie brushing Layna’s beautiful long hair out for the last time most. The look on Allie’s face and the soft moans from Layna’s mouth weren’t quite as convincing as the throbbing in my pants, but I’m sure both were more than a little excited.

After considerable foreplay with the hairbrush, Allie began sectioning off Layna’s thick blonde hair. The lack of a shampooing left me hopeful that Layna was in store for far more than a routine trim. Before hoisting her shears, Allie turned Layna’s chair to face me. There could be little doubt that she was well aware of my “interest” in haircuts. As Allie held out a huge portion of Layna’s hair and positioned her razor sharp scissors for the first cut, Layna looked me dead in the eye and winked. The first cut took about ten inches of her luscious hair off in a quick slicing chop. The three of us shared in the satisfaction of the moment as Allie dropped the severed chunk of blonde hair into Layna’s lap. Taking her time, Allie continued to lift and cut section after section of Layna’s hair and drop the bulk of the shorn tresses into the lap of her clearly thrilled customer.   As she cut, she began talking to me. “So, your friend here tells me you like short haircuts.” As she spoke, she snipped through a particularly thick section of hair, walked over to my seat, and held it out for me to take. “So, am I cutting her hair short enough for you?” she asked teasingly. 

The cutting of Layna’s hair went on for what seemed like forever. After removing the bulk of the length, Allie expertly layered the remaining hair ever so slightly and extremely slowly. By the time Allie finished her cutting, Layna was left with an incredibly sexy chin length bob. I was in ecstasy watching the action up close, and neither girl could possibly have missed the bulge in my shorts. Finally, after the last snip of hair hit the floor Layna slowly stood up, spilling her lapful of blonde hair to the floor.  Allie turned to me, “Did you enjoy the show?” “Good, now it’s your turn. Have a seat please.” I almost came right then and there. Somehow, as Layna looked on with an ear to ear grin, I managed the four steps between the two chairs and sat myself in the newly vacant haircutting seat. 

Allie ran her fingers through my moderately shaggy hair; it had been a while since my last trim. “For a guy who likes short haircuts so much, your hair’s pretty long. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this in no time.” She didn’t ask or tell; she just picked up her clippers and went to work. Standing behind me, she gently placed one hand on the back of my head and guided my head down. Once my chin was against my chest, she turned on the clippers and began mowing the hair off the back and sides of my head. While Allie did her work, Layna stood next to her watching my dark hair slide down the cape to mingle with hers on the floor and fingering her own newly short hair. Once she finished her clipper work, she allowed me to raise my head and look at myself in the mirror. It seems she had used mostly the #2 & #3 guards for the shearing, leaving my hair short and crisp. Trading her clippers for scissors, Allie wet my remaining hair and began cutting the top. Taking off about half the length, Allie left my hair just long enough to lay down on top, and eventually left me with a very preppy looking haircut. 

Speaking to Layna, rather than me, Allie asked, “How do you like it?” Layna walked around the chair and inspected Allie’s handiwork. Running her fingers through my remaining hair, she said, “Actually, I was really hoping for something shorter. Much, much shorter. Maybe something military looking?” 

“I know just what he needs.” Was all Allie said in return. She didn’t say a word to me. This time, there would be no guard on the clippers. Without any warning, she plunged the bare-bladed clippers down the center of my head, from back to front. Thick chunks of hair rained down into my lap leaving only the faintest stubble where my hair had been.  Moving my head with her free hand, Allie slowly and methodically shaved my entire head. Carefully checking her work, Allie brought her face close enough to mine that I could smell her own beautiful long hair. Satisfied, Layna smiled. “Excellent. That’s exactly what he deserved.”&am
p;nbsp;Reaching into my lap for a huge handful of my shorn hair, she paused to let her hand brush against my engorged cock as she gathered up most of the hair and playfully dropped it to the floor in front of my face. 

As both girls rubbed their hands over my newly bald head, Allie said to Layna, “Be sure to come back as soon as you’re ready to have yours cut again. Maybe next time we’ll go for a pixie. And I’ll be happy to shave this boy down whenever you feel he needs it.”

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