Home » Posts tagged "surprise"

Date Night

Our Reader Score [Total: 121   Average: 3.2/5]We were kissing passionately hands roaming familiar paths in each other’s naked bodies. I tugged at his thick hair as he fondled me. I was becoming increasingly wet by the second. I wanted nothing but to take him inside me. Just...
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Salon Robotique

Our Reader Score [Total: 85   Average: 2.8/5]SALON ROBOTIQUE The Private Hairdresser Location: Salon Category: Surprise Story type: Fantasy Rating: R   Anne was a very attractive girl in her late twenties. She had shoulder length chestnut brown wavy hair.  She had a Barbie Doll type of figure...
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Just like JAKE

Our Reader Score [Total: 48   Average: 2.2/5]Just like JAKE Part 1 By JimB           Copyright © January 2014     “Click” …… The alarm clock sounded with a steady buzzing.   “Damn, it’s 7am already ……”, Carol said to her self as the Sun shinned through the bedroom...
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