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Date Night

Our Reader Score [Total: 121   Average: 3.2/5]We were kissing passionately hands roaming familiar paths in each other’s naked bodies. I tugged at his thick hair as he fondled me. I was becoming increasingly wet by the second. I wanted nothing but to take him inside me. Just...
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Our Reader Score [Total: 62   Average: 2.3/5]Title: Mistake Author: LTAH Anon Location: salon Catagory: fiction Rating: PG   Of course it’s always better to read these things when you have an idea about the characters in play. So let’s get to know Paige, yeah? She is 5...
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Priya’s Odyssey – Chapter-3

Our Reader Score [Total: 52   Average: 2.3/5]Priyanka (Priya) was self-centred and egoistic had hair length below her knees until she across her classmates when she attended the New Year party being held at her colony. Her friends, who were insulted by her during her school days, attending...
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Priya’s Odyssey – Chapter-2

Our Reader Score [Total: 50   Average: 2.1/5]In the first chapter, Priyanka’s (Priya’s) below knee length hair was shortened to waist length at the back by her classmates as a punishment for her. Her female classmates left the building thinking the punishment inflicted on her was over, but...
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Priya’s Odyssey – The beginning

Our Reader Score [Total: 40   Average: 2.1/5]Priyanka was a straight ace student ever since high school. She had always come first in her class ever since 8th standard. Since she didn’t have many competition for securing the top spot in her class, she turned out to be...
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